
Season Pass Prices
Season Pass Prices
Updated on 07/18/2024


2021-2022 Athletic Season Pass Prices



            Whole Year                                         $140.00

            Football(V, JV, JH)                            $55.00

            Winter (B-Ball, Wrestling)                 $110.00

            B/G Basketball (V, JV, JH)                $90.00

            Boy's Basketball (V, JV, JH)              $60.00

            Girl's Basketball (V, JV, JH)              $60.00

            Wrestling (V, JH)                               $40.00




            Whole Year                                         $85.00

            Football (V, JV, JH)                           $30.00

            Winter (B-Ball, Wrestling)                 $75.00

            B/G Basketball (V, JV, JH)                $60.00

            Boy's Basketball (V, JV, JH)              $45.00

            Girl's Basketball (V, JV, JH)              $45.00

            Wrestling (V, JH)                               $25.00


Students-  All Muncy students in grades K-12 are admitted free of charge to our athletic events provided they show their student identification card (playoffs and tournaments excluded).



Sr. Citizens – We are pleased to offer Muncy School District Residents ages 65 and older a free pass into athletic events for the entire year (playoffs and tournaments excluded).  If you wish to receive a Sr. Citizen Pass you may stop into the Muncy High School main office.  Please provide proof of age and residency.


You must bring passes with you to each event in order to take advantage of them! 


For additional information, please contact the Muncy Athletic Office at 546-3127 Ext. 3630 or 3200.  Passes are available for purchase in the High School Main office during the school day.


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