
Updated on 07/18/2024
2021-2022 Athletic Season Pass Prices
Whole Year $140.00
Football(V, JV, JH) $55.00
Winter (B-Ball, Wrestling) $110.00
B/G Basketball (V, JV, JH) $90.00
Boy's Basketball (V, JV, JH) $60.00
Girl's Basketball (V, JV, JH) $60.00
Wrestling (V, JH) $40.00
Whole Year $85.00
Football (V, JV, JH) $30.00
Winter (B-Ball, Wrestling) $75.00
B/G Basketball (V, JV, JH) $60.00
Boy's Basketball (V, JV, JH) $45.00
Girl's Basketball (V, JV, JH) $45.00
Wrestling (V, JH) $25.00
Students- All Muncy students in grades K-12 are admitted free of charge to our athletic events provided they show their student identification card (playoffs and tournaments excluded).
Sr. Citizens – We are pleased to offer Muncy School District Residents ages 65 and older a free pass into athletic events for the entire year (playoffs and tournaments excluded). If you wish to receive a
You must bring passes with you to each event in order to take advantage of them!
For additional information, please contact the Muncy Athletic Office at 546-3127 Ext. 3630 or 3200. Passes are available for purchase in the High School Main office during the school day.